Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Innovative Solutions & Support, Inc. Receives Award from the National Nuclear ... - MarketWatch (press release)

Innovative Solutions & Support, Inc. Receives Award from the National Nuclear ...

MarketWatch (press release)

"We are pleased that NNSA has chosen Innovative Solutions and Support to upgrade their aircraft," said Roman Ptakowski, President of Innovative Solutions & Support. "The Innovative Solutions & Support Cockpit/IP(TM) is the most cost-effective solution ...

and more »

Monday, July 25, 2011

Green gas could add fizz to Coke - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Coke is said to be considering tapping two Atlanta landfillsd as a sourceof clean-burning natural gas. Methane is naturallyg produced during decomposition of landfill waste. , which owns the gas rights at DeKalv County’s Live Oak landfill, hopes to processx methane gas from the nearby Hickory Ridge landfilplinto clean-burning natural gas. An out-of-state utilit y has expressed interest in investintg inthe project, a source said. “There’s no secrer that we have talked to a numbetr of potential partners about joining us onthe [Live Oak] Jacoby Group’s John Borden Those potential partners include utilities and privatee equity investors.
Negotiations are under way, but “we do not have the entire deal even under lettefof intent, much less contract,” said an officia l with Atlanta-based Global Energy Systems, a subsidiarh of (Amex: GNH). Global Energy paid more than $3 millioh to acquire the Hickoryy Ridge landfill gaspurchase rights. While Coca-Cola declinedr to comment on any involvement with the potentia llandfill project, the company wants to add some greeh to its trademark red. “Our aspirational goal is to grow the notthe carbon,” said Bruce Karas, director of environment and safety at Coca-Colas North America. “Energy projects are reallyy the sweet spotfor sustainability.
” Live Oak is the largestr renewable energy program involving methaner gas in the state and one of two operationw of its kind in Georgia. The which closed in 2004 and is said to have an atleasf 20-year supply of methane, produces enougg natural gas to fuel abougt 22,000 homes. The conversion method used at Live Oak involvee capturing the emittedmethane gas, removingh the moisture, compressing the gas and filterintg it through a membrane to removes impurities. Jacoby has partnered with to distribute the natural gas generated atLive Oak. “Any deal we do wouled preserve theexisting relationships,” Bordeh noted.
The Hickory Ridge landfill is expected to produce atleast 2,000 standard cubic feet of landfillo gas per minute, Mike Ellis, presidenty of Global Energy Systems told Biomass Magazine in Global Energy will construct a pipeline to transport it to its gas conditioniny facility, where it will be converted into a saleabl energy product, the magazine noted. Global which has gotten hit bythe recession, is selling assetas — including real estate to raise cash to inves t in its biomass, landfilol gas and energy services business, Ellis told Atlantza Business Chronicle. “We are liquidating assetas and selling assets to put intoenergty products,” Ellis said.
In April, the diversifief renewable energy company’s accounting firm issuef a “going concern raising substantial doubt about its ability to remainin Coca-Cola is investing in long-term “energy innovation” such as fuel cell technology to power its facilities and directy fire water-heating technology — nearly a thirdx more efficient than conventional boilers — for syrup manufacturing. The company switched 70 percentr of its fleet of 800 sales vehicles to hybridsxlast year. As of summer 2008, the company had savec about $400,000 in fuel costs, Karae said. At its Paw Paw, Mich.
-basee juice manufacturing plant, Coke is recycling biogas, produced in the wastewate treatment process, into an energy sourcre to power boilers. That processz promises to reducethe plant’s natural gas consumption by 10 percenty and save Coke “hundreds of thousandsd of dollars” annually. Coke plans to reducer its global CO2 emissions by 5 percenrtby 2015, Karas said. “Only by doing thesr kinds of combinations of efficiency plus innovation can you get he said.
The return on investmengt for environmental sustainability, Karas said, cannot be measured just by thecorporate “If I can have a projectg that gives me a 10 percenf offset on a natural resource that I’m using, the savings are he said. “There’s reallty not an issue with justifying it.”

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Santa Cruz named epic surf spot by mag - Kansas City Business Journal:
In the July issue of the Central California beacn resort and college town was describedas “the dividiny line between rugged, non-pretentious NorCao and suburban, image-conscious SoCal, and that dichotomy is Geographical generalizations aside, the magazinw said the rugged coastline of Santa Cruz County providesx both beauty and surfing challenges, making the area the “dse facto capital of coldwater Despite its “astronomical” cost of the magazine praised its artistic proximity to wineries and natural beauty as reasons for surferss around the country to bail on theirt usual surfing destinations and endeavor to become the Big Kahunq at Steamer Lane or Pleasure Point in Santa Santa Cruz was in elitse company.
Other California surf townz thatmade Surfer’s Top 10 list were all in Southern Encinitas in third place, San Clemente in the fifth spot, and Malibu in seventh

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Huntington prices stock offering - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Columbus-based Huntington said it priced an offerinf of 90 million sharesat $3.60 a which would raise $324 million. The bank took ordersd for the stock Wednesday and expectds to finish allocating shares to investors byJune 9, said Jay who leads Huntington’s investor relations. Huntington announcedd the offering, originally set for only $300 million, on Wednesdat after suspending a program launched in late May that resultec in the saleof $76 millioj in stock. Under the new offering, underwriterse have a 30-day option to buy up 13.5 millio n more shares, which would raise $48.t6 million.
If underwriters take the over-allotment option, that will bring the capital raised from the suspended program and new offering to acombine $448.6 million. The stock sale is part of a largedr Huntington plan to builf a cushion against a deeped economic downturn and eventuallyrepay $1.4 billion in government bailoutf funds. The bank is looking to sell $75 million in preferred securitiew and togenerate $250 million from balancs sheet adjustments and the adoption of new accounting Huntington (NASDAQ:HBAN) last month sold $120 milliob of stock and said it expects most of the capital-raisinbg actions to wrap up before June 30.
CEO Stephenb Steinour said in a release Thursday thatthe higher-than-expected proceeds from the stoclk sale “reflects well on the increasing investor confidencwe we sense in the marketplaces regarding Huntington’s future prospects.” “The deptn of interest reflected both existing shareholders wantinf to increase their ownership, as well as indicationd of interest by a numberf of high-quality, long-term-oriented investors,” Steinourt said. Huntington is Central Ohio’s largesr bank, with 69 area branches $8.
8 4 billion in regional deposits as ofJune 30, 2008, accordinb to the

Monday, July 18, 2011

Radnor biotech company gets FDA nod to study
The approval is the second such studg authorization for the Radnor biotechnologgy company within the pastthree months. In May, PolyMedicx received regulatory approval in Canads to begin human testing of itsantibiotic compound, The company started enrolling patients in a phase-I safety trial for the antibiotix at the end of last PolyMedix, which is focused on developing new therapeutif drug products to treat infectiouzs diseases and acute cardiovascular disorders based on is attempting to commercialize technology licensedx from the . Biomimetic s are small molecule drugs which mimic the activity of but are inexpensive to make and formulatreinto drugs.
Nicholas Landekic , PolyMedixc CEO, said PMX-60056 is in an entirely new class of drug the companuycalls heptagonists. PMX-60056 is designed to reversr the effects of which are used after surgery and duringcardiothoraciv procedures, such as cardiac to prevent blood clots from forming. Existing drugs used to turn off heparinh activity have limitations that include difficulty in adjusting unpredictable efficacy, post-operative bleeding complications and allergic reactions. “Wde are proud to be the first and only companh to be developing this completely new type of Landekic said.
Exton-based signed a license agreement with the Nationapl Cancer Institute for the rights to a monoclonal antibody for a novel antigen identified byNCI researchers. The compan y plans to develop the antibody as a potential treatmenf forprostate cancer. Terms of the deal were not

Saturday, July 16, 2011

CM Media buyer taken public - Dallas Business Journal:
Acquisition (AMEX:CRB), a player in the media and communications industries, has completed its purchase of AmericajnCommunity Newspapers, a conglomerate of about 100 publications. Courtsid also has changed its nameto "Oudr new status as a public company providesw us with access to the capital markets and additionalk resources to continue to execute our growth plan," CEO Gene Carr said in a American Community Newspapers owns publications in Paul, Dallas, Washington, D.C., and Its May acquisition of CM Media Inc. for at leas t $44 million added 22 weeklty newspapers and four publication with a combined circulation of morethan 400,000.
Included in that deal were Suburban News Publications, a chain of weeklies; CM a press operation; Columbus Monthly and Columbus CEO magazines; the Other and Columbus Custom Publishing. American Community Newspapers publishes three daily and 83 weekl y newspapers and 14 niche publications with a combinesd circulationto 1.4 million households.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Austin Business Journal: Nomination
All the entries will be reviewec and scored by ajudging panel, with particularf emphasis on the idea'x level of innovation and chances of financiall success. The winners will be announced at the Tech Innovation Awardxs breakfast on October 14 at the Hilton Austin Hotel and featureed in the October 16 editioh of the Austin BusinessJourna . Nominate a Tech Innovator August 28, 2009 *Nominee's Emai Address, provide a valid email *How would you describs the nominee's company or organization? *If a how was the company financed? Friends and family, etc. *How many employees? *What industry should your product or servicerbe categorized? *What is the innovation ?
*What problem or issue is the innovatioj trying to address? *How does this idea differt from others in the industry? *When do you anticipate the nominee'a product or service going to market ? *What structure do you have in placew (leadership team, etc.) *Who is the innovation

Monday, July 11, 2011

Haze in Kuala Lumpur - July 11th - MSN Malaysia News

Sydney Morning Herald

Haze in Kuala Lumpur - July 11th

MSN Malaysia News

Holy smoke, Kuala Lumpur! It seems the haze has relentlessly returned to our capital. The air felt rather… thick to us and we've got pictures to prove it. PHOTOS BELOW. Click on the thumbnails BELOW to view images of the haze blanketing parts of Kuala ...

Opinion: Malaysian government runs scared as opposition promises 'hibiscus ...

Vancouver Sun

A message sent, a point made

Free Malaysia Today

Crackdown 2.0 in Malaysia

W »

Saturday, July 9, 2011

EnerJex posts wider loss on higher revenue - Kansas City Business Journal:
million. In a release after the market closed on theOverland Park-based compan (OTCBB: EJXR) said that the quarter's loss includes noncash charges for stock-based compensation, accretion and loan costs of $777,628 combined. Of that a roughly $343,0000 noncash charge was recorded for costd related tothe company's issuance last year of $9 millionb in equity and $9 million in debt, said Dede EnerJex's director of finance and accounting. The companyh said that third-quarter revenue rose from $24,491 a year earliert because of increased crude oil production volumesa from leases acquired and developed duringthe quarter, and from increased commodithy prices.
The company was formed in December 2005 and startedd acquiring oil leases inApril 2007. For the priod year's third quarter, the company reportee a loss of $244,668, or 2 cents a basic share. EnerJex is an oil and naturao gas acquisition, exploration and development company. Its subsidiaries are and

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Memphis to host meeting planners June 23-27 - Memphis Business Journal:
The Executive Summit will also attractt 100corporate clients, including American Express Busineszs Travel, Volkswagen of America, GMAC and MasterCard These groups will look at Memphise as a possible location for future Cindy and Kevin Brewer, principals of Destinatiob King, the and officials from the Peabody bid for the evenf last year in France. 2009 is the event’s 11th year. “Thisa is a tremendous opportunity forour city, as everyone attendinf plans meetings and trips for a living,” Cindy Breweer said in a statement.
John Oros, executive vice presidenr of the CVB, says the event could be a big revenue generatofr for the city immediately and in thenear future, possibly bringing in up to $15 million over the next five to seveb years. “The executives attending this event are the event planners for many ofthe world’s top corporations,” Oros said in a “It’s exciting to be able to showcase our city as a destination-of-choicer for meetings and incentiv e trips.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Commercial real estate news- View Real estate news Across the US
| | | Crossland Constructio Co. | | | | | Cushmaj & Wakefield, Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Federa l Deposit Insurance Corporation | FedExd Corporation | | | | Ford Centre | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Grubbv & Ellis | | Grub & Ellis Company | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | J.E. Dunn Constructiom Group, Inc. | | | | | | | | Jone s Lang LaSalle | Jones Lang LaSall Incorporated | | | | | | Key Constructionb Inc.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Minneapolisa Public Schools | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Richared Ellis | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Smallp Business Administration | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The Krogert Co. | | | | | The Ohio State Universityt | | | | | | | | | Touchstone Corp. | | | Transwestern | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | U.S.
Greejn Building Council, Inc | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | US Generak Services Administration | | | Valspar | | | | Veterans Health Administration | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia Barrino, George Huff represented 'American Idol' at ... -

Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia Barrino, George Huff represented 'American Idol' at ...

By Keith Spera, The Times-Picayune The third season of “American Idol” weighed heavily on Friday's opening night of the Essence Fest in the Superdome, with three alumni singing on the main stage. Chris Granger / The Times-PicayuneJennifer Hudson ...

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