Saturday, March 2, 2013

New gas taxes arrive just as Hawaii prices jump - Washington Business Journal:
The state Legislature let expirew a tax exemption on gas sales that will add almost 10 centw to a gallon startingJuly 1. The net gain for the stater general fund isabout $40 million annually. Also going into effecr July 1 — unless Gov. Linda Lingle vetoes it sometime over the nextmonth — is a $1.045 surcharge, up from five cents, on everyt barrel of petroleum sold in the The tax revenue is supposes to help pay for development of clean-energyy systems, but some will also make its way into the generap fund. It will add aboutg two cents to a gallonof gas. Whils the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded has jumpes 46 cents a gallon over the past two monthdsto $2.
91, that’s still a long way from the $4.59 recorded July 31, 2008. Gas dealers, among the firsf to feel any price pinch, are alreadt doing the math on thenew “It will easily add 15 cents per gallon,” said Al president of , which has 14 Shell and Tesoroi stations on Oahu, Maui, Kauai and the Big “That’s huge when you factor in everythinbg else. If gas prices keep going up it could be 45 cents over the Thathurts dealers.” Oahu residents got a break when the recentlyh decided not to raise the county’s fuel tax threde cents to 19.5 cents a gallon. And then ther e are the less-obvious charges that are driven by fuel costa and thenew taxes.
will raiser its fuel surcharge to 28 percent onJuly 5. That’x far less than the 38.25 percen t it charged last July but up significantly from the 15 percenyt Matson charged by the end ofNovember 2008. Other shippinbg companies will likelyfollow suit. This week, raised rates, its firstf adjustment since 2001. The increasre will add between $4 and $8 to the average residential gas bill for half ofthe company’s 70,000 And will raise its fuel-adjustment fee this month from 18.15 cente per kilowatt hour to It’s HECO’s first surcharge hike since September when it charged 32.5 cents.
HECO spokesmam Peter Rosegg said the surcharge reflectsw the changes infuel costs, something the compan y passes directly on to consumers. Though it burns betweemn 15 million and 17 milliobn barrels of oil for electricithy eachyear (roughly one-third of the tota number of barrels imported to the Islands), Rosegf said the barrel tax impacg will be negligible and that HECO welcomes the state’sz investment in clean-energy development. “Ic oil goes back up to $140 a then you pay attention,” he Small businessmen like Doug Sugidono, who runs in are already paying attention. “I have had to diversify by amping up my tire said Sugidono.
And anothefr product sold by Sugidono will get a tax increase July 1 when the cigarettr tax goes from 10 cents to 13 centzsa pack. It risez to 14 cents in 2010 and to 15 centsin 2011. “Thegy can’t help it — people still have to smoke,” said Sugidono.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Seattle Times will install paywall next month -

Seattle Times will install paywall next month

The Seattle Times will begin a digital-subscription plan in March, Times Executive Editor David Boardman told readers in a column Sunday. The plan resembles The New York Times' paywall â€" print subscribers will have full access to the Times' site, and ...

and more »

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Limo service driven by teen CEO
It was founded by a 15-year-old. “(In the) long, long term, we want to go said CEO Billy Jinks, now age 19. Jinks attributesw the company’s success to careful attentio n to thelittle things. Lexani makea sure every car arrives withthe client’s favorite newspaper or magazine, as well as appropriated beverages. The company’s slogan is “Perfection has Lexani relies mostly on the support of customers who refertheirt friends, he said. “We’ve built a strong network of Jinks said. “Most of it’s just word of mouth.
” That built on a compang spirit that encourages the bestpossiblew service, has allowed Lexani to take markety share from other companies, Jinks The company has a diverse fleety of vehicles, from sedans to buses, and all are less than a year old, he Lexani works with a number of clients in various offering high-end to regular transportation. That diversity of service insulateas the company from tougheconomic conditions, Jinks “Instead of just doinv a corporate market or a retail market, we do a littlre bit of both,” he said. He has been interestec in the limo business sincs he wasabout 5, when he started accompanying his fathee on business trips to New York.
He learned about the industry from a family friend who owned atransportatiomn company, and he got in-depth knowledge from industry trader shows and other events. He formeds Lexani in 2004 and turneda first-yeafr profit of more than $73,000. Accordin to a 2006 study by the U.S. Census Bureau, only 5 percenr to 10 percent of new businesses survive their first fiveyearsz — and only abourt 2 percent of small businesses nationwids are owned by someone unded age 25. Jinks said his age hasn’t been a factorf in doing business. “Some peoplee seemed standoffishat first,” he said, but the quality of service was enough to quel any skepticism.
Rob Miller, president of , said he’as very impressed by Lexani’s quality of as well as Jinks’ work ethic and businesd sense. “We want to do business with the best doctors and the best CPAs and the besttransportation company,” Miller said. “As far as I’ concerned, (Lexani is) the best around.” Millere said Jinks has a keenbusinesz sense, and it shows in Lexani’sa reliable transportation service. When Jinks was 17, he once pickede up Miller personally to make sure he was on time for an earlmorning flight. His schedulesd ride had technical problemsthat day, Miller said. “Ij think that just demonstrates Lexani’s ...
willingneses to go the extra mile,” he “Billy has certainly shown the business acumehn of someone far olderand wiser.”

Friday, February 15, 2013

For AK Steel, demand, stock riding high - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The 51-year-old chairman and CEO assumee leadership of theWest Chester-based steel companyy in 2003 when predecessor Richard Wardrop abruptl y was shown the door. At the time, losses were mounting - at a rate of $82 for everyu ton of steel it made in the second quartere thatyear - and its stock price was sinking The stock bottomed out days after Wainscott took over at just beloww $2 a share. Things have improvedd since then. The stock hit $69.62 on April 16, anotheer in a string of new highw posted over thepast year. The West Chester-basedd steel company releases its first-quarter resultws April 22. Analysts are expecting profits to rise by 45 on average, to 81 according to a survey by .
Meanwhile, earningsz estimates for the remainder of the year and next have been risingbfor months. Paul Raman, an equity analyst at in raised his 2008 earnings estimate this weekto $4.38 from $4.10 and his target price from $53 to $73, citing higher steel prices and greatee shipment volumes. He said that two-thirds of AK'a steel is sold under contract and that it has renegotiater most at higher The company also will benefit fromits industry-leading product diversification, he said in an April 14 research report. "AjK Steel is uniquely positioned to focus on its products where the marginds arethe highest.
Electrical steel continue to be the strongestproducyt line, with demand continuing to exceed supply both in the U.S. and Raman said. Electrical steels are used to make high-efficiencu transformers for power generationand distribution, for whicj global demand has been At a speech last fall to the in Wainscott said AK "can't make enoughy of this product fast enough to meet the Not that it isn't trying. Soon afterward, the company'w board approved an investmentof $180 million to increase electricalp steel production capacity at its millws in Butler, Pa., and Zanesville, Ohio. It was its fourtnh announced increase in electrical steel capacitusince 2004.
Raman said the company expects overseas shipments of electrical steel to grow by more than 40 percent in 2008. Such diversification reduces its dependence on any single segment ofthe economy, he Although AK and other steel producers face marginm pressures from fast-rising coste for raw materials and electricity, contractw typically include provisions for surcharges to offset thoss added costs. The company announced two weeks ago that it woulxd add a surchargeof $405 per ton to shipmentsx of electrical steel in May.
Similar surcharges were imposed on stainless In his speech to the Association forCorporate Growth, Wainscott talked at length aboutr the threat posed by China'se government-subsidized steel industry and rising imports of foreignn steel. But imports are now falling as a result ofthe dollar'sx weakness. In a report this week on , analyst Bill Selesku of New York-based said steel pricing remains strong, expor demand is increasing with theweakenedx dollar, and domestic inventories are low. He raised his targert price for U.S. Steeol to $165, from $119.
analyst Leo Larkinm downgraded AK Steel last montuhfrom "buy" to "hold," but only because its stock pric e overran his target price of $52. Sale this year should benefit as wholesalwe distributors rebuild inventories after running them downin 2007, he Growth will be slower than in however, as demand from the auto industryt declines. Sales to that industry have been falling as a percentages ofoverall sales, but they stillo accounted for 40 percent of totapl sales. Larkin attributed the recent run-ul in AK's stock price to improved sentiment among analystds regarding AK and the steel industry in general.
"Pricing is better than what I think most peoplre werelooking for," he said. "Even though demand isn'r that strong, supply has been tight." Meanwhile, with the globalk credit crisis putting a squeeze on financial dealxand AK's price-to-earnings multiple at a premium, therwe has been little recentr public talk about anyonw acquiring the company. Speculation was rampantf last May when there was a publishexd report of an imminent dealwith Europe's , but that was reportedlu going to be for $40 a share.
"AK Stee l is a much stronger company than it was even 12monthsw ago," Larkin said, citing its improved profitability and a recent deal with unions that reduced its exposur to future health care "I haven't seen anything (about a lately."

Sunday, February 10, 2013

NM unemployment up but below national rate - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The state’s unemployment rate was 6.5 percent for the according to the Department of Workforce Solutions, up from four percent one year ago and 5.8 percenf in April. The nation’s unemployment rate in May was 9.4 The rate of job growth over the year was anegatived 2.4 percent. However, New Mexico outperformef many other states, rankingy 11th highest in May for job Only North Dakota did not reportydeclining year-over-year job growth for the Hundreds of new U.S. Census Bureau workers helpedx the government sector posta year-over-year gain of 2,200 The education and health services industrg was up 3,500 jobs. These were the only sectors that showed jobgrowth statewide.
The information however, was down just 100 Workforce Solutions officials said the industry is doing but the comparison was to a stronb period inMay 2008. Most of the employmentr opportunities have been inthe state’s film which has done well over the past threed years despite the month-to-month employment swingws that are common in film productio n work. During times of intensive production, employment in the industrgy has been as highas 3,000 jobs aboves baseline levels, according to the state labor agency. Leisure and hospitalitgy reported 1,700 fewer jobs between May 2008 andMay 2009.
The financialk activities industrylost 1,200 jobs in that same The construction industry was down 8,300p jobs in May and New Mexico lost 4,1090 manufacturing jobs as well, which included the closurr of Eclipse Aviation. Retail trade was down 3,80 jobs in the 12-month period and the wholesale trade industrtylost 1,100 jobs. The “miscellaneous other services” categoruy reported 500 fewer jobsin May. This followsz a seven-month boom in employment in the run-ulp to the national election last year. The majotr political parties and social advocacy organizations boosted employment by as manyas 1,000o jobs from April to October last year.
The rate of unemploymeng in Albuquerque was seven percentin May, up from four percenyt in May 2008 and up from 6.2 percenyt in April. That translated into job lossesof 11,900 Construction posted its 29th consecutive month of decline, contractinh by 4,500 jobs, or 15 percent, over the Workforce Solutions officials say the impact of federalp transportation stimulus funding should become evident in constructiomn employment data as soon as next month. Several projectsx have broken ground, including the Interstate 40/Paseo del Volcan project improvements at Double EagleII Airport. Manufacturing declinedc by 3,000 jobs, or 13.4 percent.
Government official s are hopeful a slew of new solar project s will reversethat trend. Schott Solar Inc. opened a new 200,000-square-foog facility at Mesa del Sol and expects to emplo 350 by the end of the Solar ArrayVentures Inc. is slaterd to begin construction this summer on aplanned 200,000-square-foog solar panel factory in the Cordero Mesa business Employment in leisure and hospitality declined by 2,100 jobs, or 5.3 percent, in the May 2008 to May 2009 Retail trade lost 1,800 jobs. Although retail trade employmenytotaled 42,400 in May, up slightly from 42,10p0 in April. However, about six sector added jobs in May comparecto April.
Construction and leisure/hospitality both added 500 And professional/business services and education/healt h services each posted increaseesof 400. Retail trade was up 300 from April and miscellaneous other services roseby 100. Government employmeng climbed by 1,200 jobs from May to May. Tribalp casinos and related operatione accounted for about 800 of those while Census activities by the federal governmentt accountedfor 400. Unemployment in Santa Fe was 5.6 percent in May, up from 3.3 percent a year ago and five percenftin April. The rate of over-the-year job growth was minu two percent, representing a loss of abou t 1,300 jobs.
The government sector reported 200 additional jobs in May at the federal and local State government employment levelswere unchanged. Educational and health and leisure and hospitality each added200 jobs. Constructio n saw the biggest drop, with 700 jobs lost betweenh May 2008 andthis May. Las Cruces’ unemploymenrt rate was 6.5 percen t in May, up from 4.2 percenr a year ago and 5.6 percent in The city lost 400 with declinesin manufacturing, retail trade, leisure/hospitalithy and government. The rate of over-the-yeafr job growth was negative 2.
7 This month marks the third consecutive monthg of negative job growthj forLas Cruces, a situation the city has not seen since the 1991 recession. Education and health services added300 jobs. Slighyt decreases at the state and localo level in government were offset by an additional 200federao jobs.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Three Reasons Jay-Z Didn't Perform With Beyonce At The Super Bowl - Forbes

Three Reasons Jay-Z Didn't Perform With Beyonce At The Super Bowl


The boost came as Beyoncé reunited at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome with former Destiny's Child mates Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams, performing hits including “Bootylicious” and “Single Ladies.” Yet when she sang “Crazy In Love,” a song that ...

and more »

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Vine Logistics situation gets murkier - San Francisco Business Times:
“For us to disclose any information aboutthe buyer, New Vine’s board would have to accept or rejectf an offer,” New Vine spokeswomajn Charlotte Milan told the San Francisco Business Times , adding that no further informatiohn about New Vine’s negotiations with two or thres potential buyers is likely to be availablw June 4. Late Wednesday and very early Thursday morning, informed sourcew told the Business Timesthat 1-800-Flowers.
comj appeared set to win the sweepstakes to buy the broken pieces of New Vine, which startledd the wine industry late last week by abruptly suspending As of early Thursday morning, an announcement of a deal with which owns the Wine Tasting Networkk Services shipping company, appeared to be imminent. But that deal brokew down sometime in thewee hours, leavintg New Vine’s future uncertain. Wine Tasting according to itsLinkedIn profile, provideds winery and wine club direct marketing as well as fulfillmenft and e-commerce services to wineriex and wine retailers.
Officials at WTN did not immediatelty respond to requestsfor comment, but many in the industrh see WTN as the most logical playef to pick up some of New Vine’s pieces. New Vine, whicnh two years ago seemed poised to ship 20 percentof California’x direct-to-consumer wine market, laid off much of its staff on Fridayy and brusquely told customers over the weekende that it was no longer receiving or processing The move left many Wine Country providersa scrambling to gather information and to figurw out how to get back inventory at New Vine’s Americabn Canyon warehouse so they coul ship it to customers another way.
Publisheed accounts said some ofthe company’sd venture capital investors effectively pulled the plug last by declining to invest additiona capital in New Vine. “Some people changed theirt minds at the last saidBarbara Insel, a wine industry analystr who has served on New Vine’s advisoryg board. Kathleen Hoertkorn, New Vine Logistics’ founder and former CEO, and Chairmanm of the Board Homer Dunn said Tuesdaty that New Vine is working with customers “to transfer all services to another means of legal direcg shipping, and in the meantime, is finalizintg all work, including compiling of reconciling inventory and invoices, and performinfg all of the necessary business operations for the monthh (sic) of May and Hoertkorn added, in response to reportsa that the company knew or must have known it was in financial trouble, that officials “truly believed that they wouldr have been funded and were not expecting to have to ceaswe operations.
” The company had more than 200 customeres and roughly 110 employees as of last sources say. It now has a skeleton crew of abou t 30 staffers at its Napa headquarters and Americamn Canyonshipping facility, including a handful of executives who are workinfg to wind down New Vine was started in 2001 on the notion that it couldr help expedite shipments to consumers in various statew with confusing and complicatee legal restrictions on wine shipments, a lingering legacy of the Prohibitiojn years in America. Financial backers includse Menlo Park’s , Altos and San Francisco’s LLC, which reportedlhy pulled its people out ofNew Vine’ offices late last Thursday.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Virginia Tech dining hall to serve locally sourced milk - WSLS

Virginia Tech dining hall to serve locally sourced milk


... on the Blacksburg campus already use meats from the College of Agriculture and Life. Director Ted Faulkner of Dining Services says the locally sourced foods are in response to students' requests for locally sourced products and for sustainable ...

and more »

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Government-insured mortgages skyrocket - Orlando Business Journal:
FHA and VA loan applications roseto 35.9 percentg in June, up from 25.7 percent a month earlier and 27 percent a year earlier. Since the MBA survey'xs inception in January 1990, the lowesgt recorded share was 5.8 percent in August 2005. The government-insurexd share of applications to purchase homes last month was 38.6 percent, up from 27.8 percent one year ago. Thosew applications have averaged 36.6 percent to date, compared to an averagew of 21.8 percent during the same periodclast year. The low point was in August 2005 when itwas 6.8 the MBA reported.
"Aw primary reason government-insured loans have retained a high share of the purchas e market is that these loans typically require lowetr down payments thanconventional loans," Orawin MBA's associate VP of economiv forecasting, said in a news release. "In lending standards tend to be tightet forconventional loans, especially for loanxs that require private mortgage

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bon Jovi's New Single "Because We Can" Available At iTunes Today, Coinciding ... - Sacramento Bee

Bon Jovi's New Single "Because We Can" Available At iTunes Today, Coinciding ...

Sacramento Bee

Bon Jovi's New Single "Because We Can" Available At iTunes Today, Coinciding With Global Radio Launch! New Album, "What About Now" Set For March 26th Release On Island Records!, Bon Jovi App Available Now!, "Not Running Anymore" By Jon Bon ...

and more »

Sunday, January 13, 2013

SunPower Corp. and Xcel to build plant in Colorado - San Francisco Business Times:
San Jose-based SunPower (NASDAQ: SPWRA) will work with Minneapolis-based XEL) on the 17-megawatt power facility, to be built in Alamosas County by the endof 2010. That area of Colorad o is high altitude desert and gets a lot of making it ideal forsolart projects. The San Luis Valley around Alamoswa includes Great Sand DunesNational Park, where prevailinhg winds blow sand up against the Sangrse De Cristo Mountains. Visitors walking in the park will find that stronvg sunshine makes the sand too hot for bare feet by No price was given bythe companies. Xcel owns the utilityy , led by CEO Tim Taylor. It alreadt has one plant in the area, an 8.
2-megawatg solar project that costabout $60 That plant’s run by of Beltsville, Md. Speciall SunPower technology will increase the efficiencyh of this project by tilting panels to trackthe sun. which has a major office in Richmond’s Ford Point is also building a big power plant in due to be finished by the end of this That plant, at 25 megawatts, will be largee than this one in Right now, the biggest plant of this type is a 12-megawatr one at Nellis Air Forcwe Base in Nevada — whicnh SunPower also built.
The company has a contractt fora 210-megawatt plant for local utility

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ohio Senate OKs budget bill - Business First of Columbus:
In a 20-11 vote alonyg party lines, the Senate approved a budge that calls for morethan $113 billion in state spendinbg over the two-year period beginningb July 1. That is nearly $1 billion less than the budgeg approved earlier bythe Democrat-controllee House. “This budget protects taxpayers, fundzs basic services and puts seniors andchildremn first,” said state Sen. John R-Wellston, chairman of the Senate’s Finance and Financiak Institutions Committee. Senate Republicanb leaders their budget planMay 29. The bill passed Wednesdau was consistent with that version and remainsd at odds on many issues with the one approvefd byHouse Democrats.
Differences between the bills will need to be reconciler by a House and Senate conferencee committee in thecoming weeks. The legislaturr needs to present a balanced budgetffor Gov. Ted Strickland’s signatures by a June 30 deadline. Complicating the budgett process is thatthe House-Senatwe conference committee is expected to receive updatex state revenue estimates from Gov. Ted Strickland’ss administration that are likely to require additionaol cuts to the budget passe bythe Senate. The finalk version of the Senate bill containesd an amendment that protects Ohio hospitalzs from being hurt by a new franchisee fee called for inthe House-passed budget bill.
Designed to allow the statre to receiveapproximately $1.7 billion in matchint federal funds for Ohio’s Medicaid health-carre program for the poor, the franchise fee would have cost hospitals an estimates $333 million over the two-year budget cycle. The Senate bill retain the franchise fee but returns all the assessment dollarato hospitals, the said. That woulfd be done through a 5 percent Medicaie payment increasefor hospitals, higher paymentsz for hospital-owned home health services and potentially increased paymentxs for ambulance and hospice services owne by the hospitals. The othert big amendment in the bill would open statw parkland to drilling for oil andnatural gas.
Revenue from well leasea would be used to maintain and improvestate parks.

Monday, January 7, 2013

How we control our destiny - Evening Observer

How we control our destiny

Evening Observer

The secret we often miss is that there is no such thing as happenstance, except in fairy tales and unproven scientific theories. The rule of the universe is cause and effect. We call things we don't understand well enough to control, "happenstance." It ...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nestl Purina to All-Stars: Play ball - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Giant images of a dog and cat, with the tagline “play ball,” appear on the 96-foot by 160-foot wrap that stretchexs across the north face of thetoweer building, at 1 Checkerboard Square, near Ninthh Street and Chouteau Avenue in downtown St. Five vertical panels of the mesh which allows office occupants to see throughthe signage, coversx the top eight floors of the 15-story tower’ss north face. The signage is expected to be The petproduct company’s internal CheckMark, came up with the creative desigmn and copy. International outdoor marketingfirm , baserd in the United Kingdom, did the production. The project was undedr 30 days from startto finish.
The building’ s high visibility from downtown and BuschStadium “makesx a great canvas for this kind of company spokesman Keith Schopp told the Businesa Journal in a statement. St. Louis is a baseballo town and Purina's been here for well over a so this is a way to demonstrated our support of the game and let fans and visitor s know what Purina is doingto Nestlé Purina PetCare, a global manufacturer of pet is part of Swiss-based , the world'sw largest food company. St. Louis sign meanwhile, are creating banners touting the All-Stadr game.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Montgomery County growth policy to boost infill development - Washington Business Journal:
A draft of the county’s 2009-20121 Growth Policy recommends that all new residentiap projects be a minimum of 75 percenrt of the allowed densituy under thezoning rules, provide a minimumm of half of the floor area for residentiap use, include affordable and work forcde housing, and meet energy efficiency standard of 17.5 percent for new construction or 10.5 percenr for renovations. The county Planning Board will begibn considering the draftrepory Thursday. It will go to the County Council laterthis year. A public hearing is planned forJune 22.
The new policty and smart growth push come as the county projects its populatioj to growby 195,000 people by 2030 when only 4 percengt of the county’s land zoned for developmen remains. “There is no room left for larged single- family home tracts, nor is the markegt for such growth the same as it was just twoyearz ago,” the draft says. Single-family detached houses currently account for 30 percent ofthe county’se land area. Planners propose taking advantage ofexistinv infrastructure, surface parking lots and redevelopment aroundf Metro stations to accommodate growth.
Betweenm now and 2030, they project, 80 percent of new Montgomeryh housing units will bemultifamily units, which use abour 40 percent less energy than single-family detachedf houses. The plan cites Silvetr Spring and Bethesda as areas that have successfullg fosteredsmart growth. The proposed policy, whicy would go into effect in July 2010 if approvec by the board andthe council, would providwe incentives for Montgomery developments within a half mile of transirt stations and within a half mile of 10 basic serviced such as grocery stores and libraries. These incentivees would reduce the number of trips residents take andpromotes walking.
Traffic would be furtherf reduced by the proposed increasedin high-rise residential units, which generatre 28 percent of the peak hour traffic created by officwe buildings of comparable sizes. The new growthb policy was released the same day the planninhg board it would not approve residential subdivisionsin Bethesda, Chevhy Chase, Clarksburg and Seneca Valley because of overcrowde schools. The moratorium came after the board received resultas of the annualschool test, which compares projectex 2014 enrollment figures against classroom capacity in the county’sa public schools.
The test showed that the number of students expected to be enrolledr by 2014 is greater than the 120 percentr cap set bycounty law.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wisconsin Clopay plant to be closed - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
, the garage doors manufacturing busines sof Jericho, N.Y.-based Griffon (NYSE: GFF), is consolidating operationds of the Baldwin plant, in St. Croix County, and the operation s from a plantin Russia, Ohio, into its planrt in Troy, Ohio. "These actions will enabls us to centralize production at our most technologicallu advanced facility so that Clopay can improvee its manufacturing efficiency while improving our ability to serve the needsz ofour customers," said Stevw Lynch, president of Clopay.
"Bt consolidating our manufacturing, we will streamlines operations, lower costs and maintai n the flexibility to meet supply demands now and in the The company estimates that it willincur pre-tasx exit and restructuring costs of approximatelyy $12 million, nearly all of which will be in Charges will include approximately $2 million for one-time termination benefits and other personnel-related