Monday, July 30, 2012
Skills carryover helps startups hone ventures - Washington Business Journal:
Elliott, 45, spent 18 years as a technical writet for and community relations managerfor . Five years ago, sensing change with her position at Lucenwas coming, she left. Two years using $80,000 in persona l savings and a credit Elliottopened . In the market for a springh jacket? Shoppers at her store are likelty to find one adornedwith colorful, buttons and belt What about baubles? Young ladies on the fence abouf getting their ears pierced are sure to be pushefd off by a set of tiny cupcake-shaped earrings. Elliott says she believesz that ifmerchandise isn’t different enougj to warrant a customers are likely to bypass it as oppose d to making a beeline to the cash register.
The shop owner never read this in a book but knows it by instinct – something she honed and learnes to trust during her days at AT&T and “I am always on the lookout for qualityu products that are feminine and stylish; there also has to be some sort of twisft – something that’s going to give customers a little bit more bang for their buck,” says who targets teenagers and women interested in versatiler apparel, jewelry and handbags. “It’s all about knowinv your audience, which is something I learnedr back when I was writingoperations It’s a skill I now apply to this business.
” in fact, made it a pointr to bring her corporate communications background to the table to help maximizde her investment and attract “As Lucent Technologies Columbus Works communit relations manager, I was in charge of specialp events, which means I know how to begin with a vision and implement ever detail,” she says. “These days, one of my primary methodws of getting people through my door revolvees aroundspecial events, including private shoppingv parties, girls’ nights out and breakfast mixers for women business owners in New Albany.
” she offers up her store for networkingy and events, even up to the point of makinh the invitations and providing refreshments. “It’s all stuffd I learned how to do when I worked at my old she says. The idea is to introduces her shop to potential customers withouy breaking thebank – something else Elliott pickedx up at Lucent. “The companyy encouraged us to managde its departmental budgets as if the monehy wasour own. These days, the money really is my she says.
It’s not uncommon for professionalsa to take stock of their careeras when they see job functions consolidatefd and coworkers losing their jobs because of number as it didfor It’s especially difficult when mid-life sneaks up and passion for the job givexs way to stress and pressure. For a few of thesde people, the answer can be found in entrepreneurship, says Pierrer Daunic, president of . “I wouldn’t call it but given the statew ofthe economy, more and more people are considerinv (self-employment) as an option,” he says.
Daunic, whose six-year-ole company specializes in cover letter andresume development, says entrepreneurzs who possess certain fundamental skills, includingv leadership and communications skills, are in the best position to use thoswe talents in meaningful ways even when the startup is unrelatee to the career that developed thosre talents. “For example, I started out as an Air Forcse officer, moved into commercial and then started teachinyg atthe ,” Daunic “What I do today, in particular, revolves around the teachinvg skills I learned at the academy becausr I teach clients how to markety themselves.
” Prior to becoming a businessd owner, he stumbled into a high-tech recruitintg career thanks, he says, to the eclectic skillzs he gained in the military.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Study: Minnesota women get a seat at the board - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
A study out Tuesday found that New York and Chicagoo are the only places in the countrgy where the proportion of women holding corporated board seatsis higher. The National Association of Corporats Directors’ Minnesota chapter, the Minnesota Women’s Economic Women Corporate Directors’ Minnesota chapter and executive-searcy firm sponsored the survey, whicuh examined Minnesota’s largest 100 public companies. It found that 13 of the 100 companieds had both 20 percent or more women corporate directors and 20 percent or more womenexecutive officers. Companiesw that made the “honor included , , , , , , , , , , , MTS Systemws Corp.
and Target and MTS Systemsw received special distinction for 30 percent or more womehn corporate directors and womenexecutive officers. College of St. Catherine researchersd conductedthe study.
Friday, July 27, 2012
N.Y attorney general ends BofA probe - San Antonio Business Journal:
Cuomo says the banks have and will continuew to provide liquidityto investors. Last October, agreed to buy back as much as $4.7 billiobn in auction-rate securities it sold to aboutt 5,500 investors, small businesses and smal l charities before the market collapsed inFebruary 2008. According to the Securitiesz andExchange Commission, the settlement also required BofA to “use its best to provide up to $5 billion in liquidity to businessews and institutional investors with accounts valued at $15 million or and charities with accounts valued at $25 milliob or more.
The agreement resolved allegations that securitiew dealers made misrepresentations to customers durinb salesof auction-rate securitiess about their safety and liquidity. Auction-rate securities have interesyt rates that are reset at weeklty or monthly auctions run byinvestmenrt firms. The $330 billion marke collapsed last year, when investors became alarmed at the prospects of the ability of corporate borrowers coverintg debt service onthe securities. Many were left with securities they coulcd not sell intothe market. Charlotte-baserd BofA (NYSE:BAC) neither admitted nor deniexd wrongdoing. The SEC also has finalizecd a settlement with BofA overthe securities.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Crist vetoes controversial insurance bill - Baltimore Business Journal:
“We really don’t have a choice but to continu with our plan to discontinue our propertyg insurance coveragein Florida,” said State Farm spokesman Michaell Connolly. Crist cited concerns that signing HB 1171 couldf trigger significant rate increases and reverse efforts by statre officials and the Legislature to make the Florida market more Proponents of the legislation called itthe “Consume r Choice” bill. Crist said in a news release that the bill gavea “selectg group of property insurance companies” the powedr of choosing who would be offeresd the policy, allowing them to cherry-pick the best customerws and dump policies with the greatest risk.
In a June 16 letteer to the governor, Jim Thompson, presidenf of State Farm FloridaInsurance Co., encouraged him to sign the but made no promisesw to stay if he did. Thompson even includer a couple of caveats toState Farm’s statement of “If HB 1171 were to become law, and if the (Offic of Insurance Regulation) expediently administerss the law in a mannedr consistent with the legislativw intent of its legislative sponsors and supporters, Statde Farm would be willinbg to re-examine its Thompson wrote. The governor pointed to the fact that the bill did not requird that the select companies stay in Florida as a motivating factorr inhis decision.
“House Bill 1171 allows certain insurerd the ability to collect unregulated insuranc e premiums and then leave the marketplacewith Florida’e hard-working families’ earnings,” he said. State Farm Florida has been talkinh with state regulators about its plan toleavde Florida. In , the company asked to stop writing propertuy coverage in the Sunshine State because it no longefr could afford to dobusiness here. Following the veto, the National Associatiom of Insurance andFinancial Advisors–Florida, which represents the majority of State Farm agents, released a statement througb spokesman Bob Lotane.
“If nothing else, this movecd debate on how to address our insurance challengess 180 degrees from where we and showed we have got to welcomed and examinenew ideas,” he said. Ed spokesman, said a hearing will be held July 15 to determinre the need for a formal hearing onStatw Farm’s plan to leave Click to read the OIR’s biggest sticking pointr in the negotiations has been whether Statr Farm agents would be able to sell policiea other than its own and Citizens. The initial agreementr states that State Farm wouldr provide a minimum of six months notice prior toexecuting non-renewals. State Farm policyholders, he have time to find other coverage.
“It was expected that nothing like that woul begin to happen until laterthis year,” Domansky said. “jI suspect nothing would take place for another six months Brad Ashwell, consumer advocate for , which opposee the bill, expects the deregulatiomn of Florida’s insurance industry will become a centrak issue in the gubernatorial He said whomever wins the state’ s top political post will help determin how much traction deregulation has in the next legislative session. Ashwelo added that his group is ecstatic withthe governor’s decision. “We couldn’ be more happy,” he said.
“We are glad he stood up for BarneyBishop III, president and CEO of , criticized the governor’sx veto, saying it would force hundrede of thousands of homeowners to switcbh to “thinly-financed” insurance companies that will charge them as much if not more than theid current insurer. He gave no evidence for the assertions. But Ashwell said no one has evaluated how well private companies can weather a storm so Bishop’s statement is inaccurate at best. He also pointed to the obvious, that State Farm is considering leavinyg of itsown accord. “This isn’r the governor’s fault that State Farm is deciding to he said.
“OIR’s role in protectingb consumers is not what is driving State Farm out ofthe [State Farm] has a choice.” commended the governor’s action saying it woulcd have allowed certain larger insuranc e companies an unfair business advantage. It noted that the bill “woulde have further diminished affordable choices for Floridians and would have eventually dumped more policies intothe state-run insurance program
Monday, July 23, 2012
Police Attack Residents, Try to Buy Footage [VIDEO] - (blog)
USA TODAY | Police Attack Residents, Try to Buy Footage [VIDEO] (blog) As chaos erupted, residents took out their cameras and cell phones to record the action. Once the situation calmed down, at least four witnesses claim the police attempted to buy their video recording devices from them, presumably to prevent the ... How Citizen Video Ca sts Doubt on the Official Version of Events Video: Watch The Immediate Aftermath Of The Officer-Involved Shooting in ... Police brutality story heats up: Anaheim PD faces evidence-buying claims |
Sunday, July 22, 2012
NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - Baltimore Business Journal:
The hiring will begin immediately, with the nationak nonprofit hosting a job fair Fridayand Saturday. NACA focusew on lending to low- and moderate-income families. Gov. Bev Perduew announced the expansion Thursday, with the state givinbg NACA a $1 million granyt from the One North Carolina It plans to invest morethan $4 millionn here, with 1,014 jobs expected to be addex over the next five years. “North Carolinsa remains a strong presence inthe U.S. finance sector, and this is a tremendous opportunity for the Perdue said. “Our top-rated business climate and skilled financial-services work force are attractive to growingnationalp operations.
” NACA is headquartered in Boston and operate s more than 40 offices nationwide. It currentlyy employs about 100 workers in Mecklenburg Countuy to originate and processmortgage loans. Under the five-year state incentive agreement, the organization plans to add 550 jobs The jobs will pay an average annual wageof $35,982. Salariese will range up to $80,00o annually. The hiring will focus on mortgage negotiators, customer-servicse representatives, call-center managers and mortgagw counselors.
“NACA is excited that it’s putting more than 1,00p0 people to work during these tougheconomic times,” NACA Chiefv Executive Bruce Marks said “Today’s announcement is more than just a sounf bite — we are following througyh on this investment by holding a jobs fair tomorroew to hire 550 people immediately.” Perdued said Thursday that she consulted with former Bank of America Corp. Chairman Hugh McColo Jr. about the deal. McColl has been a longtime supporter of NACA’s work. BofA began a partnershil with NACAunder McColl’s watch in 1995 and in 2004 committee $6 billion to its lending program.
Perdure says McColl confirmed to her that he expecteds NACA could follow through on its job commitments in severakphone conversations. “When someone begins something like this in italways grows,” McColl said in an intervieqw Thursday. “They’ll come in and find this is a good placde tofind (a work force). I woulxd hope it would be an eruptionnof jobs, not just trickl down.” The group claims it will be the largesr number of people hired immediately in one area and the largest job commitment in the country since the mortgage crisis began in 2007.
The hirinb comes as NACA embarksa on a nationwide Save the Dream Marks says the added jobs are cruciall as NACA leads its campaign to makemortgages affordable. Hundred s of NACA staff will provide long-term solutions for homeownerz with anunaffordable mortgage. “Charlotte continues to be attractive because of ourknowledgeable financial-services work force and we welcomew NACA’s investment in North N.C. Sen.
Dan Clodfelter (D-Mecklenburg) said in a NACA’s Counseling Center is in the Charlottes East office park off Albemarld Road between Central Avenue and FarmPond “Charlotte continues to be recognized as a leader in financiall services with a talented and experienced labor says Charlotte Chamber Chairman Tim “We are pleased to welcome NACA to the communith and look forward to the investment in jobs and presencw they will bring to our East The chamber assisted NACA in its expansion effort.
Charlott e East owner Roger Kellogg, principal of , and leasing directoer Eric Speckman have worked closelyh with NACAsince 2007, when the nonprofit establishedc a small office in the park. NACA has legally binding agreementss with all themajor lenders/servicers to restructure the mortgagez they service. The NACA agreements cover more than 90 percenft of homeowners with an unaffordable The staff from the Counseling Cente in Charlotte will travel nationwide to work on Save the Drea m events where morethan 25,00o people are counseled over four days, with thousandw receiving affordable restructured mortgages with permanent interest rates often at 4 3 percent and 2 percent and wheres necessary the principal reduced.
The started in 1988, has the primary goal of building strong, healthy neighborhoods nationwids throughaffordable homeownership. NACA operationws include financial counseling, specialized mortgage services and a Home Save programj for homeowners with an unaffordable NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridau and Saturday at its CharlotteCounseling Center. For more informationj about Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of includingemployment opportunities, go to
Friday, July 20, 2012
GE seeks concessions for jobs - Business First of Louisville:
According to a bulletin issued by the GE will add 100 positionxs and bring anew low-cost dishwasher line to Appliance Park by Dec. 31. All jobs at Appliance except forwarehouse positions, would be bid on by seniority, accordinhg to the bulletin. GE will continue to make 18 cubic-fooft top-mount refrigerators, home dishwasheres and 27-inch top-load washing machine at Appliance Park through at leastJune 17, unless the company decides to exit the producy lines, according to the bulletin. In exchange for the hourly workers will have to agrere to a pay freeze untilJune 2011.
Undere the agreement, newly hired skilled-trades professionals would startat $23 per hour and advance to $25 per hour over a two-yeadr period. A competitive wage agreement for hourly productio n workers calls for new hires to starrtat $13 per hour and receive annualp wage increases after their current contract expires in 2011. ‘Besr deal possible,’ union says In the Local 761 president Jerry Carney wrote thatthe union’ws executive board “has worked long hourxs and endured many sleepless nights to work out the best deal possibled with the company for long-term survival.
” Carney adde d that the proposal gives union membersz “both job security and peace of mind.” “Wherde can you go find a job with our pay and benefitsz in today’s economy?” Carney asked union membera in the bulletin. Carney was not immediatelyy available for comment onthe bulletin. Accordingy to the union’s Web site, informationalp meetings about the proposal were held Thursdayu and a membership meetinv is scheduledfor Sunday, June 14, at 2 p.m. Kim director of public relationsfor Louisville-based GE Consumer Industrial, confirmed the details of the She said union workers are scheduleds to vote Wednesday on the proposal.
“This is a very historic time for our Freeman said. She added that a “yes” vote wouldd work toward providing the companhthe cost-cutting abilities it needs to keep Applianc e Park viable. It also would help the companuy work with the union to explore options for securint government incentives and bringing productionof energy-efficient appliances to the park. Freeman declined to say what productd mightbe produced, but she said the investmen would mark the first time sincre 1957, when window air conditioners were made at Appliance that the company would invest in a new product platformj there.
City, state mighgt pitch in On Louisville Metro Mayor Jerry Abramson will present a proposaol to the Louisville Metro Council that woulsd createa tax-increment financing district to entice GE to brinv a new high-efficiency product line to Appliance The project would creat as many as 400 new jobs, said Chrisd Poynter, deputy director of communications for Abramson’s Also Thursday, the Kentucky Economic Development Financre Authority is set to considere a tax rebate of as much as $2.5 millionn over 10 years for the project, Poynter said.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Groups sue Mirant Mid-Atlantic over power plant - Denver Business Journal:
The federal lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Districft Court in Baltimore, claims that the Chalm Point Generating Plant operatedby Atlanta-based Miran t Mid-Atlantic has spewed unacceptable levelsx of sulfur dioxide into the air hundredxs of times without the appropriate pollution controls required underd the federal Clean Air Act. A Mirant spokeswoman said the compangy hasn’t been served with the lawsuit yet, and can’f comment on the claims.
The Environmental Integrity a legal nonprofit founded by former enforcement and Villari, Brandes and Kline have filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Chesapeake Climat Action Network and four residents, including a marriexd couple, Nancy and Norton Dodge, who live seven miles away from the plant on a 1,200-acre farm in The Dodges “need to closre windows, limit their time outdoors and/or cover theird faces when they are outdoorsz to avoid the respiratory irritants and smell of the pollutiohn from the Chalk Point Power Plant,” the lawsuit reads.
Of the othefr two residents suing Mirant, David Bookbinder lives in about 30 miles fromthe plant, and Chrise Schmitthenner lives in Mechanicsville, 11 miles and works five miles from the plant. The Environmental Integrity Project had sent Mirant a lettefr in January notifying of its intent to sue the power companyuthis year. The plaintiffs pointedx to a Harvard University 2006 study that showed that such particulat matter pollution from the Chalkj Point plant can have negative effects on the healthb and respiratory systems of peoplre living ina 400-kilometer, or nearly radius of the plant.
In their initial notification letter, the plaintiffse wrote that EPA hourly data showxs that two boilers at the Chall Point plant exceeded allowable levels of sulfur dioxide emissionz 591 timesin 2006, 726 times in 2007 and 113 times in 2008. Mirant has said it’s launched a $1.6 billionn project to install scrubberes andother pollution-reducing equipment on its Chall Point boilers by the beginning of 2010.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Dallas Cowboys to get new product hub - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The two organizations said Tuesday they are breakinb ground on thenew facility, which will be located at 2500 Regent Boulevard at Dallas/Fort Worth International The new facility will allow the Dallas Cowboys to expand its merchandisiny base and also consolidate the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shopsd with Dallas Cowboys Merchandising and Blue Star Graphics & The construction will expand the Cowboys existingv merchandising operations. “This move was caused by the passionn and love that the fans in the Metroplex and acrosz America have for theDallas Cowboys,” said Bill Priakos, vice presideng of merchandising for the Cowboys.
“When we purchased our originak building on StateHighway 114, I neverf thought that we could outgrow it and yet a littlwe over a year later, we needes an additional 100,000 square feet. With the acquisition of Blue StarGraphics & Design, this gave us the abilith to be even more responsive to our No other team in the NFL has this abilituy to respond to its fans’
Monday, July 16, 2012
LandMar files for bankruptcy - Orlando Business Journal:
The Jacksonville-based residential development company was amonfg 125 affiliates that filed along with itsparent Charlotte-based , in the Westerb District of Texas. Crescent’s estimatefd liabilities are morethan $1 billion, accordinhg to the filing, and its largesr debt, at $13.6 is to Bank of America. The filing was according to a statementon Crescent’sx Web site, for the company to reorganize its finances, reducse its debt level and improvw its capital structure.
Crescent intends to operater its continuing businesses withouy any significant interruption during the restructurinh process because of a recentlyobtained debtor-in-possessio financing facility of $110 million from a group of its existiny lenders, according to the Andrew Hede, Crescent’s chief restructuring officer, has been named CEO whilwe its former chief Arthur Fields, has retirerd and will work with Crescent in an advisoryy capacity.
“We have been in activs discussions with our lenders and other stakeholders as we work towardxs an agreement that will bring our capital structure in line with the currentgeconomic environment,” Hede said in a statement on the company’w Web site. Charlotte-based Crescent has been pursuing alternatives to shore up its balance sheet for including selling some ofits assets. The companty is jointly owned by (NYSE: DUK) and Morgan Stanley and has 38 residential communities undetr development inthe Carolinas, Texas, Arizona and Florida.
Crescent acquired a controlling interest in LandMar in butleft LandMar’s founder, Ed in control of the company until he resigne after a failed attempyt to buy back the company in 2007. The Jacksonvillee Economic Development Commission authorizeed city lawyers in May to start the foreclosure process onthe 41-acrs parcel that was to be the Shipyards. Plans for the Shipyard included 1 million square feet ofoffic space, 100,000 square feet of commercial space, 662 residentialp units, 350 hotel rooms and 150 marinza slips. LandMar has developed or had plans to develoop dozens more properties in Floridsa and throughoutthe Southeast.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Raising chickens and eggs in the back yard - Tallmadge Express
Raising chickens and eggs in the back yard Tallmadge Express When Mom wanted to serve chicken for dinner, she had to go out in the back yard and catch one. One of our neighbors had a flock of chickens that ran free over the surrounding fields. It would have been too expensive to fence in the flock, especially ... |
Friday, July 13, 2012
CEO Ellison says Oracle might make netbooks - San Francisco Business Times:
His comments came at a Sun conferenc for users of Java softward which he also said could be usedon netbooks. Oracled (NASDAQ:ORCL) earlier this year agreed to acquire Sun for $7 billion. "kI don't see why some of those devices shouldn' t come from Sun," Reuters quotedd Ellison as saying. "There will be computers that are fundamentally basefon Java." Netbooks are inexpensive laptop computerxs designed to connect wirelessly and are used primaril y for checking email and browsing the Web. The markert for them is expected to grow to between 20 millionn and 30 million unitsthis year, up from the 11.7 milliob sold last year when their sale s took off.
Most PC makers now have a netbookm model and if Oracle does get into the market it will go up againsytthe . (NASDAQ:HPQ) (NASDAQ:DELL) and , which either make netbooksw or develop softwarefor them. Acer said Tuesday it will make a laptopp runningon ’s Android operating system instead of Microsoft which most makers now use.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Report: California to shed 1M jobs during recession - Phoenix Business Journal:
The pace of private-sector job losses will slow over the next few but state and local government layoffs are the Business Forecasting Center at the said in its latest California and Metro Forecastreleased Wednesday. The forecast said California’s unemployment will peak at 12.3 percenr early next year, and will remain in double-digitd until the end of 2011. The cented produces quarterly economic forecasts of theUnited States, California and nine metro areas, from Sacramento to Fresni and the San Francisco Bay Area. In the Sacrament o area, unemployment will rise from 11.1 percent this year to peak at 11.4 percent next year, before dipping to 10.2 perceny in 2011, the reportt said.
Unemployment is expected to reacn 9.2 percent in 2012. The Sacramento area is forecas t to rebound in the third quarter ofnext year, when job growty will improve to 0.8 A “strong rebound is expected to take placer in professional and business, and educational and health service s sectors,” the report said of Sacramento. “Job growtyh is expected to have its firsy positive full yearat 2.0 percenty in 2011.” Sacramento’s real personal income, meanwhile, will grow at a slow rate of 1.5 percenyt next year.
San Jose and San Franciscp will be the firsg metro areas in Northern Californiwa to return totheir pre-recessionb employment levels, in the second and third quarteres of 2012, respectively, the studt said. Sacramento and Merced will be among the last nortjh state metro areas to regainpeak employment, in fourth-quartefr 2013. Vallejo is last, with a return expected in the seconrd quarterof 2014. The Central Valley will be hard hit by the combinationb of recent state tax increasezs and massive expectedbudget cuts, the Businessd Forecasting Center said.
“The state budget crisiz is a dangerous aftershock to a region stilk reeling from the foreclosure Jeff Michael, director of the Businesw Forecasting Center, said in a news release. The Centralo Valley is an economicfdisaster area, but most of its “economic shocksd are cyclical in nature rather than permanent changee such as closed militar y bases,” the news release said. • Constructionm continues to lead job losses inpercentagew terms, declining another 15 percent to 110,000 in 2009. Manufacturing will lead the declinedin 2009, losing 135,000 jobs this • Retail sales will not return to theidr 2007 level until 2011.
• New car and truckm sales will fallbelow 1.06 million in 2009, afterf exceeding 2 million for most of the decade. Saleas will gradually increase as theeconomy recovers, reachinbg 1.46 million next year, and 1.73 million in 2011. Housing starts hit bottom in 2009at 36,000 more than 80 percent beloww the levels seen in 2004 and 2005. Housing starts will be back to 100,00p units in 2011, and exceed 150,000 by 2013. Health care is the only sector that will not shrink this The gainof 13,000 healtuh care jobs, or 0.9 percent, is the slowesf growth this decade. • Personal income declines 0.8 perceng in 2009.
• Nonfarm payrolls will declinerby 1,020,000 jobs statewide during the two-year recession. The California economy will finally hit bottom in the fourth quarter ofthis year, and will begib a slow, multi-year recovery. It will be 2013 before many key economic indicators such as unemploymenr return tohealthy levels. • The state’es recession should end in the last quartedr ofthis year, but the job market will remain weak througg most of next year.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Stirling Energy Systems expands its offices as solar efforts ramp up - Austin Business Journal:
The Scottsdale company, which receivef a $100 million investment last yearfrom Dublin-base NTR plc, is moving quickly to capturde a segment of the utility-scalse solar market with its Stirling engins technology. The company opened its new 37,000-square-footg office in early May. It has hire about 100 employees this year and expectsd to add 60 to 80 more by the end of the for a totalof 180, said CEO Steve who joined the firm last year as part of NTR’se investment. “We’ve always liked the solar and this was a good he said.
The company is base on a nearly 200-year-old engine design, whic h operates through the expansion and contraction of Stirling usesa 40-foot mirrored dish to focus the sun’e rays to heat hydrogen gas to 1,400 degreees Fahrenheit. The gas expands, moving a piston and powering the engine. As the gas cools, it is movedc out of the pistoj chamber and back to where it will be reheatedf bythe sun. The company had been operatingb in the Valleysince 1996, but NTR’sx investment has pushed it to develop the technology more It has two power-purchase agreements: one with San Diego Gas Electric for between 300 and 750 megawatts at a site in Imperiall Valley, Calif.
, and one with Southern California Edison for 500 to 900 megawatts in the Mohave Desert. Cowman said it’s adding positions of all from engineeringto construction, to meet its growth curve. To handlse project management, NTR founded Tessera Solar earlierr this year to developthe utility-scale with Stirling providing the equipment. Rampin g up both project development and construction has required capital and people to servde what the company believes will be one of the largesft solar markets inthe world, said Jim Barry, CEO of NTR. “Wwe believe the U.S. will be the globalk leader in renewable energy, and that will happen in the next few he said.
NTR, founded 30 years ago to operats Ireland’s toll roads, has expanded into a numbe r of renewable energy andrecycling Stirling’s technology — which offers an alternative to photovoltaicd systems, as well as a different take on concentrated sola power — has a good base in Arizonsa that can serve markets throughout the Southwest, Barruy said. In addition to hiring, the company is looking at potentiak sites in the Valley to houseea 60-dish, 1.5-megawatt test The company has a small site at the Sandia National Laboratories in N.M., but is hoping to find a larger site to providwe a location to bringh clients.
It has run into challenges securing local permits for a site and findinbg a location that can be tied into theelectrid grid, officials said. The compangy could be a boon for Arizonas in more ways than simply providing It is using auto component suppliers to build itsengine parts, and officials are talking with those suppliersa about the possibility of locating facilitiea in the Southwest to handle the bulk of Stirling’d projects, at least for the first few years, Cowman said.
“If you can build your manufacturingh close to yourend facilities, that’s goin to benefit everyone,” he Stirling is one of the solar companies that couldr provide a base for other manufacturers to land in the said Barry Broome, president and CEO of the Greatef Phoenix Economic Council. “This is a good example,” he said. “It’a got a small number of peoplw and it hopesto expand, and it coulf help its suppliers relocate Stirling’s expansion in Arizona depends on state policies. Other states are offering manufacturing and Arizona’s effort to develop such enticements is miref in budget problems.
“We really want to grow our businesesin Arizona, but we need those incentives,” Cowmanm said.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
TV maths whizz Johnny Ball turns teacher at Seaham school - Sunderland Echo
Sunderland Echo | TV maths whizz Johnny Ball turns teacher at Seaham school Sunderland Echo MATHS whizz Johnny Ball turned teacher when he took over a classroom for the day. |
Friday, July 6, 2012
Water Authority: Feasibility Study to Go Ahead -
Water Authority: Feasibility Study to Go Ahead The board also approved a grant from the Town of Hempstead. |
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Straight from the hip - Memphis Business Journal:
But a new start-up medical devices company intends to change that with a line of implante that can be used in relativelyyounfg people, restoring their activities and relieving their last week announced first-round funding of $4 millioj in a private placement, plus an all-star boarx of directors, including Jack former president of . The company is founded on technologyg first developed in Israel by materials engineerAmiran Steinberg, who created a polymer to make high-speedc boat hulls strong and flexible. Europea and Israeli investors have alreadyspent $7 millionj on creating a medicao formulation for spinal use, splittingb off into the firm Implianty Ltd., in Netanya, Israel.
Active Implants plans its firstf hip implant in Europe before the end ofthe year, followed by an artificial meniscus, the cartilagw in the knee pronde to tears. At some point the company planes a second round of funding to develop an artificiallspinal disc. Rather than a totalk hip at 65 yearsxof age, the company has a polymef cup that can be slippec over the ball of the joint in a younger perso just experiencing symptoms. The material is so tough that inEngland couldn't find any wear after 5 milliob cycles; they developed a new way of testinvg it at the molecular level and it still was virtualluy unaffected.
"The whole orthopedif industry has been focusefd on advanceddegenerative disease," says president and CEO Stepheh Bradshaw. "But someone doesn't suddenly need an implant. They give up thing for 10-20 years: golf, walking, their quality of Blair agreedto serve, but only aftef running an independent background checl on Steinberg and the other "The management group comes from orthopedicc space; they may not all be but they know their way he says.
Orthopedic surgeon Michael Lewis has been in practic e for 30 years andsays it's frustrating to trea t younger patients with medication, injections and physical therapy, only to tell them to quit doing what they most enjoy and wait until they're old enough for major "Stopping tennis isn't what they and that may not preventr the disease from advancing Lewis says. That experience compelled him to join the ActivsImplant board. Lewis is also senior vice president and chief medical officerd ofin Orlando. "Cartilage is the naturak shock absorber, so most people get surgeryt when the cartilage is wornand it'xs bone-on-bone," Bradshaw says.
"We can go in earlyt and resurface with the polyme and restore the shock A number of drugs are being developef to stimulatecartilage growth; Bradshaw sees his devicew as a way to hold those drugs specificallg where they need to be. The polymerd is already listed with FDA as not being so there's the opportunity of licensinvg its use to other companies.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Ultra low-price airline to serve Twin Cities - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Clearwater, Fla.-based company will offer flightebetween Toledo, Ohio, and mid-sized and smalk cities South Bend Ind.; Melbourne, Fla.; Lansing, and Newark, N.J., in addition to The company will launch service to most of its destinationx by mid-July, but will not enter the Twin Cities markety until Aug. 14. The company is an “indirect meaning it leases planes and uses staff from othe r airlines rather than owning itsown fleet. JetAmerica originallty had a deal to useMendotas Heights, Minn.-based ’ planes and flighrt crews, but that deal later endede as part of a “mutual according to a JetAmerica spokesman. JetAmerica decidexd to make Minneapolis/St.
Paul a destination due to demand from travelers basedin Toledo, the spokesmann said. Several of the airports servex by JetAmerica are providing the carrier withfinanciall incentives, including grants. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and Newarok Liberty International Airport are not providing fundinv forthe airline, however. JetAmerica’s farez will range between $9 and the lowest fare will go to the first 19 passengers to book The carrier willcharge $15 per checked bag. John who founded , is CEO of JetAmerica.