Monday, February 28, 2011

China Minsheng Banking Corporation Ltd. Company Profile | 600016 Company Information
Financial Tiger, Banking Dragon! China Minsheng Banking Corporationm Ltd. (Shanghai: 600016) is a financial institution engageddin corporate, institutional and personalp banking sectors in China. It offers bankinb services like deposits, loans, financial bonds insurance, issuance of guarantees and letters of trading offoreign currencies, and related financial It is connected to almost 750 overseaes banks in about 80 countries. Founded in 1996, this bank is baseds in Beijing, China, and employsw about 9,500 people. It has revenue of $2.1 In 2005, a financial magazine in Beijing, Chinesr Banker, ranked Minsheng No.2 most competitivd bank. Minsheng also was awardeed No.
1 in asset quality, humanb resources management andcorporate governance, No.2 for financialk innovation and service quality, and No.3 for IT and internakl control. According to The Bankers of the United Kingdom in 2005, Minsheng was rankee No.28 of top 200 Asian banks in terms of total assets.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Study: More CEOs say good works boost recruiting - Kansas City Business Journal:
This marks a shift in corporate philanthropy sincer the Roundtable released its in which noted that corporate responsibility was beginning to evolv e from community impact to bottomline impact. The most recentt report shows thatthe evolution, indeed, has taken place. Boston struggles to maintain its colleged grads as they move intothe workforce, and the Round Tablee report underscores that philanthropy is a factor makinhg some local companies more attractive to younger The Roundtable issued the report in collaboratiomn with the University of Massachusettss Boston Emerging Leaders Program.
A team from the Emerging Leaderws Program started working on the report last interviewing 20 Massachusetts companies aboutr their corporate social responsibilityactivities -- predominantly large companesw and representing a cross-section of “Historically CEOs would engage in philanthropy becausre it was the right thingv to do. They wanted to be good corporate said J.D. Chesloff, deputg director of the MassachusettsBusiness Roundtable. “Now there’s a good busines s case to incorporating it into theirebusiness plan. There’s a bottom line impacgt to it, in addition to beingf good for all the othercommunitu reasons.
” Based on the findings from the 20 companies includef in the research, the report suggests five ways companieas can build a culture of social responsibility: Create a clear link to the company’s missiohn and secure endorsement at the executive level. Engage employees at all levelsas decision-makers in relation to corporat e social responsibility targets and activities. • Leverage employees’ skillse to make positive contributions tothe community.
• Provide opportunitie s for employees to developnew “A lot of it is aroun d a company being authentic about wantinhg to do something in the communityh and listening to what the employeews are interested in doing and connecting it to the values of the company,” said Ellen Remmer, CEO of The , a nonprofirt that promotes strategic philanthropy and advises donors.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Developers still have a vision for Westshore area
Between the rows of homes, however, still-undeveloped plots of land serve as a remindet of the somber state of the real estate marketand WCI’w August Chapter 11 filing. Of the 526 totaol units planned, about 270 have been said Rob King, VP and seniort project managerwith WCI. These include estatd homes, various single-family residences and townhomes, as well as a 16-storg condominium tower with 80 units. As of early December, 212 units have closed and sold, said The neighboring 52-acre site on Westshore Boulevar d isless promising.
Tampa-based purchased the first 36 acres of the propertyu in May 2005 and later announced plans for New PortTampqa Bay, a mixed-use development of retail and a total of 1,75o townhomes, condominiums and apartments. Other than the foundationn pads for proposed towers laidin 2006, no constructioj has occurred at the site. In June, began foreclosurse proceedingsagainst EcoGroup. “It’s a said Al Steenson, president of the , of the Steenson said he contacted the office recently to ask them to take remover the weeds from the property but has not hearde from EcoGroup inseverak months.
“I am sorry the market hit them whenit did, but you throsw your capital out there, you’re taking a risk,” he said. “This time the risk caught up with It was a different era when Westshord Yacht Club and New Port Tampa Bay were announcedr in 2004and 2005, In a strong real estatee market, the projects generated interest in infill and attracteed people interested in living near where they Rather than competitors vying for residents, WCI and EcoGroup were like race cars draftingt off each other, said King. WCI’s national programm benefited from EcoGroup’s local focus.
Visitors who attendesd weekend events at New Port would sometimes spilll onto theWCI property, said Westshore Yacht Club residents could have accessed the commercial activity at New including office space, retail, restaurants and a 2-acre “Their program was more more commercial investors,” said King. “Wew thought we would be complementary toeach other.” Whilr the commercial offerings of New Port woulds have appealed to its neighbors, Westshore Yacht Club can stansd on its own, said Mark Huey, economixc development administrator for the city of Tampa. “Proximit y to the lifestyle of South Tamp a is what peopleare buying.
” As for the South Westshorw corridor, Huey said the area will redevelopo over time. “Real estate is about cycles,” Huey said. “We have hit about a low I don’t know when thingxs will change, but when they do those projects will get WestshoreYacht Club’s pace is abouf five to eight sales a month, said Under Chapter 11, WCI can still transactf business. “The judge saw the benefit of keeping the communit y alive and well and that the creditorws would bewell served,” King WCI recently received $150 million of debtor-in-possessiob financing to help construct and finish homes and operatse while it comes up with a plan for reorganization, he “If they had succeeded in part or in it would have been a greag complement,” said King of New “But we are comfortable with our vision.

Monday, February 21, 2011

SMF Energy announces $40M recapitalization - Baltimore Business Journal:

rubber roofs
The company (NASDAQ: FUEL) said in a news releasew that it estimates the recapitalization will reducesits short-term debt by $9.5 million, its total debt by $4.4 millionj and its cash requirement s for interest and dividends by more than $1 million a It said shareholders' equit has been increased by more than $4 million as a SMF Energy said it extinguished all of its existingt non-bank debt and outstanding preferrecd stock through various agreements with dozens of existing debt and equit y investors, while converting its existing $25 million asset-bases lending facility into a new, more favorable, three-year, $20 millionj asset-based lending facility and a $5 60-month amortized term loan, the proceeds of whichu were used to pay down $4.
8667 million in secured notes and $125,000 in unsecuredf notes. The company said it issuedr new stock to make up the balance paid for the cancellationn and extinguishment of the existing debt andequity securities. Fort Lauderdale-based SMF Energ y said in the release that the recapitalization took plac e with amended agreements withand . It said the only non-bankl debt incurred in the recapitalization was an unsecuredx subordinated promissory noteof $800,000 at 5.
5 percenr interest issued to an existing institutionalo investor in exchange for $800,000 of one of the Augusgt 2007 11 percent seniorr secured convertible promissory The institutional investor also exchanged $200,000 of the same securede note for shares of common stocmk priced at 38 cent s a share, which was greater than the closing bid price of the stoc on the day before the effectiver date. acted as SMF Energy’s placementf agent for the recapitalization and received feesof $380,000, paid with a combinatioh of cash and securities, pursuant to a Feb. 1 investmenf banking agreement.
SMF Energy supplies specialized transportation and distributionb services for petroleum productsand chemicals. It provide commercial mobile andbulk fueling, along with other serviced to the transportation, manufacturing, construction, telecommunications and government services sectors. Formerly knowjn as , as of Nov. 30, it conducterd operations through 31 service locationsd in11 states. Shares closed down nearly 3 centzs to about35 cents. The 52-week high was 71 centa on Aug. 28. The 52-week low was 10 cents on Feb. 20.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Students' hard work pays off at youth fair broiler show - Lufkin Daily News

rubber roofs

Students' hard work pays off at youth fair broiler show

Lufkin Daily News

Monday night kicked off the much anticipated Angelina County Youth Fair, with Diboll Junior High student Cheyenne Swor taking top over »

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hospitals agree to Medicare payment cuts to help pay for health care reform - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The agreement came from the , the and the . Most of the spendinbg cuts would come through lower Medicare andMedicaid reimbursements. The presidenty of the , which has been actively involvedd in negotiationswith Congress, said hospitals agreed to the cuts in ordee to stem even deeper cuts — $265 billionj – that the Obam administration had proposed. Hospitals were also eager to play a role in shapingh the national debate on healthcare reform. “Hospitalas are supportive of healthcare reform,” MHA President Carmela Coyle said. “The current system is unsustainable.” But Coyle said the cuts represent a paradox in the healthcare debate.
Lawmakerx want to extend health care access to the uninsurerd yet are proposing spending cuts on care for these very same Just because you have an insurancecard doesn’t mean you can accese a primary care physician. ”As all of this unfolds, you want to makez sure you don’t cut too Coyle said. “The implications for patient care will bevery

Sunday, February 13, 2011

NBC Universal, Microsoft strike ad alliance - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Admira analyzezs demographic data on viewers to generatse more targeted TV ads and also adds automatioh to thebuying process. The two companiesw tested the system, usinvg Admira with the NBC Local Media group in Marcj to buy and sell local televisio n ads inLos Angeles. "Our initial test of the systemnin L.A. is off to a great Admira provides us with the potential to help attract an entirely new segment of advertisers to thelocal marketplace, particularl small and midsize businesses that might not otherwise be able to buy local television station advertising, which is a huge leap Frank Comerford, president of platforkm development and commercial operations for NBC Local said in a statement.
The full partnershipo is set to begin in the The two giants are more known through theier linkthrough MSNBC.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Verizon asks Comcast to halt
Verizon (NYSE:VZ) sent a letter to Comcas (NASDAQ:CMCSA,CMCSK) last week asking it to stop the Eric Rabe, Verizon’s senior vice president for media said Wednesday. “We have had conversation s with themthat haven’t resulted in them taking the ads but at least we’re having conversations,” Rabe Rabe said he didn’t know if Verizon would sue Comcasgt if it doesn’t stop the ads, which have a tagline of, “Don’t Fall for FiOS.” “There’s the National Advertising Divisiojn of the Better Business Bureau that we’vw sometimes used to resolve issues like he said.
Comcast spokeswoman Jennifer Khourtsaid "Verizon’s been running a negative campaigmn against Comcast for years and its response to our campaig n shows that they can dish it out but they can’t take it. As mighf be expected, the better the advertising and the more tractiomn that it gainswith consumers, the louder the competitord will object." The ads are the latest escalation of a battld between New York-based Verizoj and Philadelphia-based Comcast that has grownb more intense over the past few yearss as the two communications companies have movefd onto each other’s turf.
Comcast was originally a cable-television companyt and Verizon was originally a local phone but now bothoffer video, Interneft and local-and-long distance phone service and are competintg head-to-head for residential customers. Verizohn has been running commercials featuring comediab Matt McCarthy as a cable servicde technician having encounters with a VerizonFiOS installer, but they don’t mentionb Comcast by name. , compare notes on their appointmentws that day and discoverthat they’rr going to the same places — FiOS Guy to installp service and McCarthy to disconnecrt it.
feature a cheery, bull-headed service techniciaj who interprets anything people say as an indication that they want him toinstalp FiOS. In one ad, that leads to him summoninhg an earth mover to digup someone’s lawn and sending a fork-lift to the person’s house to carry the FiOS bill. “Thesw ads have people ripping up property, putting lives in danger and suggestintg that this is typical ofFiOS installations,” Rabe “That is an outrageous characterization and it has to

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Technology is a tool - Washington Post (blog)

Technology is a tool

Washington Post (blog)

Leadership in the information age will have to use every tool available to communicate meaning and equip others to engage in constructive problem solving. ...

and more »

Sunday, February 6, 2011

NCR moving HQ to Duluth, to bring 2,100-plus jobs to Georgia - Nashville Business Journal:
adding clout to metro Atlanta’s technology reputation. NCR will relocatee 1,250 corporate jobs to its Gwinnett County a source familiar with theplan said. The company is also expectecd to launcha 550,000-square-foot manufacturingg operation in Columbus, Ga., wher it will employ nearly 880, the source Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue is expectedx to make the officialannouncemeng Tuesday. NCR CEO Bill Nuti and Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklands spoke by phone Monday and Nuti told Strickland the company has been looking at Georgia for some an official in theOhio governor’s office told Atlantwa Business Chronicle sister publication Dayton Business Journal (DBJ).
In a letter to Nuti obtained by theChronicles , Strickland to convince Nuti to keep the company in On May 31 , the Chronicle , and the DBJ , firstr reported . NCR (NYSE: NCR), whicyh makes automated tellermachines (ATMs) and retail will be Georgia’s 14th Fortune 500 companuy and the second in Duluth. Last (NYSE: ABG) announced the relocation of its headquarter to Duluth fromNew York. NCR, which employs 20,000 employees globally, rankedf 446 on the 2009 Fortune 500 The company, which did not return callz Monday, reported a $228 million profitt on $5.3 billion in revenus last year.
Last fall, NCR said it would move its Worldwider Customer Services headquarters tometro Atlanta, investingf $15 million and creating more than 900 jobs in Peachtred City and Duluth. In October, NCR said it woulfd co-locate an NCR Learning Center and its Customerd Care Center hub for the Americas region withthe company’w existing Global Service Materials operation in Peachtree City. NCR, whichg occupies about 150,000 square feet at its Satellite Boulevarx operationin Duluth, will lease an additionalk 100,000 to 200,000 square feet at that facility. The corporate jobs will pay on averagdeabout $70,000 annually.
The manufacturing distributionj operation will be in two buildings and will make according tothe source. Employees at that facilit will make on averageabout $43,000 the source said. NCR received tax incentivew from both Gwinnett andColumbues governments, the source said, declining to disclose details aboutr the state’s incentive package. Whilew Dayton -- where NCR was foundede in 1884 -- is the company’s officiaol headquarters, the city is not the center ofthe company’z influence. Nuti, along with the company’s chieff financial officer and othersenioer executives, maintain offices on an entir e floor of 7 World Trade Centere in Manhattan.
In March, NCR removed the languagde “world headquarters” from the sign at its Daytonh campus. Nuti will not be moving to Relocating toAtlanta — the commercialp capital of the Southeast — makes sense for the Four of the cities in Ohio Youngstown, Canton, Dayton and Cleveland— are among the top 10 dyingb cities in America, according to an August 2008 repor in Forbes. “They [NCR] can’t recruig talent to move to Dayton, Ohio,” the sourced said. (NYSE: DAL), (NYSE: HD) and (NYSE: STI) -- big NCR customerse -- are also based in metrpo Atlanta.
NCR supplies Delta with self-servicse kiosks, and NCR and Home Depot announced a deal in 2002 toinstall self-checkourt lanes in about 800 of its 1,487 stores. In the two companies announced a deal to expand the projectt into Home Depot stores in In 2005, SunTrust said NCR would upgraded existing ATMs and provide new ATMs for all new SunTrust

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New mortgage insurer Essent raises $500M - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Essent said that its parent Bermuda-based Essent Group Ltd., has been funded to establis the first new private mortgage insurance compang in the United States since the start of thefinancial crisis. , a subsidiary of Radnor, Pa.-based is in the process of obtainingt the approvals necessary to offer privatewmortgage insurance. The capital commitments have been made by a grou pof investors, directly or through The group includes Pine Brook Road Partners, Goldman J.P. Morgan, PartnerRe, and Renaissance Re. Essent said its missiomn is to support homeownership for borrower s who can afforda home, but not a large down by insuring mortgage lenders and investors from credig losses.
The company said it will provide private capitalp to take mortgagecredit risk, and work as a risk managemeny partner with lenders and othed mortgage investors. The CEO is Mark A. Casale, who previouslhy served as president of RadianGuaranty Inc., Philadelphia-baser Radian Corp.’s principal mortgage insurance subsidiary.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ex-Tide forward Justin Knox isn't just another face at North Carolina - Press-Register -

Ex-Tide forward Justin Knox isn't just another face at North Carolina

Press-Register -

North Carolina forward Justin Knox, who transferred from Alabama last summer, takes a shot in a nonconference game against Vanderbilt. ...

UNC basketb »