Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dean Foods to relocate corporate office - South Florida Business Journal:

Dallas-based Dean (NYSE: DF) will relocate from its current locatioj at 2515McKinney Ave. into 240,000p square feet of space inside Cityplace. The move is expectede to take place in the first quarterof 2010. "Wew are pleased to be able to relocate our office s within Dallascity limits. Many factord worked in our favor, includingf the real estate market, spacs availability and other economic elements," said Gregg Engles, chairman of the board and chief executive officee ofDean Foods. "The City of Dallas is our home, and we are pleased to remain here and continue our many civivc andcommunity partnerships.
" Dean said in a statement it is moving because the company has outgrown its current workspace, and new space is needer to address the company’s changingv needs. The lease will take occupancy at Cityplace to aboutg 80 percent from abourt 60percent now, said Sarah Payne, vice presiden at Stream Realty Partners, which handlesx leasing in the building. Employees will begin movinbg in December and the move will be phasedf inthrough March, Payne said.
"This was a huge win for the City of Dallasa to keep them inthe city, becausre they looked all over," Payne She said Dean Foods considered existingg space and build-to-suits in the Legacy/Frisco area, as well as othe r buildings downtown. Brokers familiar with the searc h said Dean Foods considered Fountain Place and Bank of America Plaza among other downtow n buildings with significant squarefootage available. The asking leasse rate for space in Cityplaceis $24 per square plus electricity. Dean Foods will occupyg floors 34 through 40 inthe 42-floor, 1.2-million-square-foot building. Dean Foods occupies about 150,000 square feet at its currentg location.

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