Sunday, February 10, 2013

NM unemployment up but below national rate - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The state’s unemployment rate was 6.5 percent for the according to the Department of Workforce Solutions, up from four percent one year ago and 5.8 percenf in April. The nation’s unemployment rate in May was 9.4 The rate of job growth over the year was anegatived 2.4 percent. However, New Mexico outperformef many other states, rankingy 11th highest in May for job Only North Dakota did not reportydeclining year-over-year job growth for the Hundreds of new U.S. Census Bureau workers helpedx the government sector posta year-over-year gain of 2,200 The education and health services industrg was up 3,500 jobs. These were the only sectors that showed jobgrowth statewide.
The information however, was down just 100 Workforce Solutions officials said the industry is doing but the comparison was to a stronb period inMay 2008. Most of the employmentr opportunities have been inthe state’s film which has done well over the past threed years despite the month-to-month employment swingws that are common in film productio n work. During times of intensive production, employment in the industrgy has been as highas 3,000 jobs aboves baseline levels, according to the state labor agency. Leisure and hospitalitgy reported 1,700 fewer jobs between May 2008 andMay 2009.
The financialk activities industrylost 1,200 jobs in that same The construction industry was down 8,300p jobs in May and New Mexico lost 4,1090 manufacturing jobs as well, which included the closurr of Eclipse Aviation. Retail trade was down 3,80 jobs in the 12-month period and the wholesale trade industrtylost 1,100 jobs. The “miscellaneous other services” categoruy reported 500 fewer jobsin May. This followsz a seven-month boom in employment in the run-ulp to the national election last year. The majotr political parties and social advocacy organizations boosted employment by as manyas 1,000o jobs from April to October last year.
The rate of unemploymeng in Albuquerque was seven percentin May, up from four percenyt in May 2008 and up from 6.2 percenyt in April. That translated into job lossesof 11,900 Construction posted its 29th consecutive month of decline, contractinh by 4,500 jobs, or 15 percent, over the Workforce Solutions officials say the impact of federalp transportation stimulus funding should become evident in constructiomn employment data as soon as next month. Several projectsx have broken ground, including the Interstate 40/Paseo del Volcan project improvements at Double EagleII Airport. Manufacturing declinedc by 3,000 jobs, or 13.4 percent.
Government official s are hopeful a slew of new solar project s will reversethat trend. Schott Solar Inc. opened a new 200,000-square-foog facility at Mesa del Sol and expects to emplo 350 by the end of the Solar ArrayVentures Inc. is slaterd to begin construction this summer on aplanned 200,000-square-foog solar panel factory in the Cordero Mesa business Employment in leisure and hospitality declined by 2,100 jobs, or 5.3 percent, in the May 2008 to May 2009 Retail trade lost 1,800 jobs. Although retail trade employmenytotaled 42,400 in May, up slightly from 42,10p0 in April. However, about six sector added jobs in May comparecto April.
Construction and leisure/hospitality both added 500 And professional/business services and education/healt h services each posted increaseesof 400. Retail trade was up 300 from April and miscellaneous other services roseby 100. Government employmeng climbed by 1,200 jobs from May to May. Tribalp casinos and related operatione accounted for about 800 of those while Census activities by the federal governmentt accountedfor 400. Unemployment in Santa Fe was 5.6 percent in May, up from 3.3 percent a year ago and five percenftin April. The rate of over-the-year job growth was minu two percent, representing a loss of abou t 1,300 jobs.
The government sector reported 200 additional jobs in May at the federal and local State government employment levelswere unchanged. Educational and health and leisure and hospitality each added200 jobs. Constructio n saw the biggest drop, with 700 jobs lost betweenh May 2008 andthis May. Las Cruces’ unemploymenrt rate was 6.5 percen t in May, up from 4.2 percenr a year ago and 5.6 percent in The city lost 400 with declinesin manufacturing, retail trade, leisure/hospitalithy and government. The rate of over-the-yeafr job growth was negative 2.
7 This month marks the third consecutive monthg of negative job growthj forLas Cruces, a situation the city has not seen since the 1991 recession. Education and health services added300 jobs. Slighyt decreases at the state and localo level in government were offset by an additional 200federao jobs.

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